School Lunches In Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

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School lunches around the world are way to unhealthy and harming children’s lives. In Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, Jamie Oliver has a goal to bring healthier foods to families and schools. In season one of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, he went to Huntington, West Virginia (one of the most obese areas of the United States.) Jamie visits the Edwards family and helps them set up a plan to eat healthier. Jamie also visits Central City Elementary School. He attempts to cook the students fresh foods while running into multiple challenges. He then heads to the district’s high school, where he tries to provide healthier options for the students. School lunches around the world and at Central York are unhealthy. The school lunches at Central York and the lunches at Central City Elementary have many unhealthy things in common. At Central York, many of the foods served are processed. At Central City Elementary, they also serve lots of processed foods to their students. Jamie Oliver did not like the idea of not knowing what the ingredients in the processed chicken nuggets are. He cooked his own fresh chicken for the students instead. However, things did not go the way he was expecting. The kids choose the processed pizza over his fresh chicken. At …show more content…

At Central City’s High School, french fries counted as a vegetable. This is alike Central York High School because, here you can substitute a fruit with a slushy. There is also a choice of fruit, so you don’t even have to purchase any if you don’t want to. These unhealthy options for lunch are definitely not helping people like the members of the Edwards family. All the members of the Edwards family are overweight so, Jamie took them to the doctor to get tested for diabetes. The one boy who is only 12 years old already has signs of diabetes. He had signs of his insulin levels being too high like darkness around his