Personal Narrative: My Last Rebuttal

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My Last Rebuttal: They said how everybody with dyslexia can easily read cursive, my mom was dyslexic, and she knew a lot of dyslexic people, guess what, none of them could read cursive and still struggled with it after they were taught it, so no, it isn 't easier for everybody with dyslexia to read cursive. Heck my mom still struggles to read cursive and so do all of her friends. Cursive shouldn 't be taught in the digital age, with technology making more and more advancements cursive is "Fading into Obscurity" and we don 't need it as much. We could be teaching programming instead of cursive because we will need more programmers and computer engineers in the future, but what do people want to teach instead, cursive. Also, WHY WOULD YOU