Synthesis Essay On Handwriting

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As technology becomes more prevalent in today’s society, more students find themselves writing on keyboards than on pen and paper. More so, many teachers nationwide debate the usefulness of continuing to teach handwriting in class. While utilizing technology has advantages for students nowadays, the ability for students to physically print is still imperative to their ability of cognitive motor skills and create effective ideas.
Forming intellectual thoughts and creating propositions allows individuals to exceed in many ways throughout their lives. One way that those conceptual thoughts and propositions are created is through the use of handwriting. The benefits of handwriting on brain development have been researched by Virginia Berninger, …show more content…

Many different activities help to develop motor skills, but not all are a very productive use of time. "Playing the original Super Mario Bros helps develop fine motor skills" (Source E), but while that is enjoyable, it is not the best use of a child's time. Using valuable class time to practice an outdated form of writing, like cursive, may not be the best use of a child’s time either. The world is constantly evolving and almost one fifth of all assignments students are given are completed using technology. (Source F) Technology based learning needs to be done on technology whereas writing based assignments can be done with print or cursive. Why should cursive continue to be taught when print serves the same purpose? But while cursive serves little purpose in today’s schools, print is still a vital part of learning as more than half assignments done in school are still completed on paper. (Source F) So even though technology should be taught more in place of the cursive curriculum, time should still be dedicated to teaching student handwriting as it is still a highly important skill needed in