Personal Narrative: My Passion In Soccer

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Soccer is a passion that I have had since the spring of 2003 when I joined the SeaBreeze Soccer Club. Last year that passion got tested when I was faced with the impediment of having two school activities on the same night, a playoff soccer game and an FFA livestock sale. Although I had to overcome this problem first hand, I gained knowledge that made the journey worth it.
On March 17th I participated in the South Texas State Fair F1 Show where I placed 6th in the sale and had an opportunity to sale my heifer the next Friday. Ironically, on March 18th my soccer coach informed us that our 2nd round playoff game would be the next Friday. At that moment, my heart sank. How was I supposed to be in two places at the same time? On one hand, the playoff soccer game was super important, and I was a starting player; but on the other hand, I had the opportunity to sell my F1 for thousands of dollars to put in my college account. I went home and explained the dilemma to my parents, and they both agreed it was up to me, but I needed to notify my coach and my girls athletics coordinator. The following day I approached my Girls Coordinator and presented my complication. His riposte was not what I expected. He told me that if I went to the …show more content…

I explained that sometimes you are the only person who knows what's best for yourself. You have to overcome the differences and with grace be straight forward with your problems. My girls coordinator and I are not enemies and we talk on a daily basis. I think that this is due to the respect that he has for me because of my respect toward him during our disagreement. Even though we may of had different opinions he was still the adult and I was the student, This situation has prepared me in so many ways for the future and for that, I am forever