
Personal Narrative: My Reading

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My reading goal was 800 pages. To be honest, I set the bar too low. It was set by the way we did it, yet I met my reading goal in the first two weeks. I think it was a combination of reading a book that wasn’t as hard for me and reading a lot. The two books I read were Eragon and Eldest, both by Christopher Paolini. Next quarter I am going to keep my goal around 800 pages, but I am going to read harder books. My brother has a book called The Physics of Interstellar by Kip Thorne. I also found an author named Michio Kaku. He is another theoretical physicist and a wonderful writer. Finally I have always wanted to read The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot and so that is on my list to read. Through the difficulty of the upcoming …show more content…

First, books that don’t challenge me as a reader are not as fun to read. I like to be left with a final thought, be contemplating something, or know that I learned a lot. For example, after reading physics of the impossible, Andre and I proceeded to have fervent discussions on some of the theories he discussed and the crazy things that he stated could happen. Also after reading The Elegant Universe I was left having an insightful discussion with Mr. Huling about some of the physics mentioned. I realized learning is what drives a lot of my reading. Second, I learned that if I don't vary the type of book I read, like fantasy, science, or action, I will begin to get bored of that type of book. Reading various types of books keeps me captivated. Finally I have discovered that reading about statistics DOES NOT interest me. AT ALL. After reading over 200 pages out of a statistics book, I finally ascertained that it wasn’t for me. Most people would’ve known before even opening the book but I thought to myself: This can’t be so bad now can it? Well it was and still is. If you learn one thing from my essay, it should be that for you’re next free reading book or class you take: MAKE SURE IT ISN’T

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