Personal Narrative: My Vacation To The Bahamas

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I can see myself enjoying creamy pasta and warm breadsticks in Italy or climbing a palm tree in the Bahamas to get some fresh coconut juice, but the stern mother that controls the temporal lobe of my brain usually responds to these ideas by saying, “Girl, you better have the money for that.” She’s right, the older that I’ve gotten I’ve realised that money is often required for a lot of things. But I don’t just want to have money for an adventurous journey, I also want to to one day buy my mom a house, a red washer and dryer (she loves the color red, our entire kitchen is red), and a Michael Kors handbag. It’s all frivolous materials but I just want to give my mom as much as she’s given me. Whether it's a vacation to the Bahamas or a red washer