Personal Narrative: The First Traumatising Experience

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Want to know the first traumatising experience I can remember. Well I was about 4 years old and I had just gotten this new lemonade maker. It was the full package. It had a ton of amazing and advanced things, well advanced for a 4 year old. Anyway my mom was helping me make lemonade and after it was doing its thing she went outside with my dad. My 4 year old impatient self decided it was finished after about 30 seconds and started grabbing at it. I was reaching a high as I could. I felt a part of the machine and lached on. I started pulling on it, then out of nowhere if falls off the counter and hits me on the head. The lemonade was ab-solutely everywhere. By this time i'm bawling my eyes because I just broke one of my prized possessions at

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