Personal Narrative: What Has Made Me

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What has made me

The things that have made me the person I am today.Are, first of all my mother, she raised me on her own. And she did a wonderful job.She taught me almost everything I know and she made me the respectful guy that I am today.Having my mom punishing me all the time when I was younger ending up being the best thing that could've happened to me.So I would no doubt give all the credit to my mom. Like me and my mom always worry about other people's problems instead of focusing on ours, and in this world you can't just focus on everybody else stuff because you're always gonna have your own problems. Now i'm not saying to not to help somebody, but just don't go too far out your way for someone else. My dad has never gave my mom …show more content…

Sometimes it's better for the child depending on the problem, but sometimes it not good. Each parent is supposed to do their role as being a parent.If your not gonna take care of your child then why even have? I had to go through what many other children did not. My dad was never in my life as a kid and when I became a teenager he for some reason wanted to start seeing me. At first I didn't want to see him but then I started thinking it was the right time.After a few weeks of talking to him and trusting him we set up a time and place to meet at, so we did. Well that day came quick. So my mom and me started going to the subway we were supposed to meet up at.And so me and my mom went in and got food, was just hoping he got stuck in traffic or something, but really he never ending upcoming. It honestly hurt being and kid and not understanding why your dad doesn't want to be in your life.Well after that day i started looking at thing different,didn't trust nobody, didn't want to speak to nobody, and just had questions about why he wouldn't want to see me. After time he started to send me messages on facebook and everything else, and every time I have ignored him.My mom has always told me sorry about my father and she shouldnt have did this and that. And really im honestly just happy with having my mother as both parents.My mom has did so much extra stuff for her kids that we really didnt need, but we wanted and she