
Personal Narrative: Why Trucks Are Better Than Truck

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Some people might think cars are better than trucks and others might think trucks are better. In some cases one will do better than the other. Sometimes there is no difference and they prove to be equal in some areas. In my experience, I have found trucks to be better than cars.
Cars and trucks are definitely helpful but if you want a vehicle that gets good gas mileage then a truck is definitly not the one you should choose.sometimes you can find a truck with good gas mileage but you will not find one as good as a car. Even though gas is essential to a vehicle it doesn’t necessarily make it a good one. A decent sedan will probably get 20 to 30 miles to the gallon and if you get a hybrid like a Pruis it can be up to 50 miles a gallon.Trucks …show more content…

And what I mean by room is leg room which is something that doesn’t seem important but driving a vehicle with no leg room is very hard and becomes a nuisance. Especially with bigger sized trucks they seem to have bigger consoles as well which can be helpful because you can store more things in your truck.
Trucks also are very good for driving in the snow or in the mud or in any tough terrain. If you want a vehicle that can go off into the beaten path a truck is the one to do it. Cars being lighter than trucks might be harder to control while driving in tough terrain. Trucks also have four wheel drive, although some cars might have they do not have enough power to be beneficial. Most trucks with four wheel drive have very helpful, especially because trucks have a lot of torque and power to actually make it helpful.
Though there are some differences in trucks and cars, there are some simalrities. For instance, they are both good for transportation and they will get you from point A to point B usually without a problem. Also they both will keep you safe,much safer than a motorcycle. Maintenance on a car and truck are usually the same price and usually arent time consuming or bank breaking. Also if you're looking for a vehicle that can carry a lot of people they can both equally do that job. Both trucks and cars usually carry the same ammount

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