Personal Narrative: Your Story

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189520 Your Story It was a warm summer day and I was sitting at home just watching some TV. When my dad came into the room and said “get up you're gonna do this all summer?” He went outside and got out the tree clippers to prune. We got 6 apple trees, 2 cherry, 2 pear, 2 plum. Thats a lot off sticks. But I wanted to watch TV but I would get a slurpee if I helped. I wanted that slurpee, I did not want to pick up sticks. Once in awhile I would be able to climb up and clip the tree. But the day was this, get sticks, lay them in a pile, and go back. I would also touch something rotten with my bare hand and that is just disgusting that would just make wanna quit. The grass was so long around the blueberry bushes there was a trail from the trees