Personal Reflection Of Leadership And Leadership

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Over the last two weeks I have spent 13.5 hours with Kyle Wilcox and 7.25 hours with Doris Rindels; for a total of 22.75 hours with Kyle and 8.25 with Doris. During this time, I have had the opportunity to shadow Doris and Kyle during several leadership meetings regarding the integration strategy for Grinnell Regional Medical Center and UnityPoint Health. The organization is actively working on the strategic plans for rolling out various changes within the organization as we move from being a private entity to part of a larger organization. I have also been assigned to take the lead on the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) integration that includes working with the hospital, affiliated clinics, and the skilled nursing facilities in the area to improve the quality of care that the patients in the community receive. I am very excited about this opportunity to be able to utilize the leadership skills that I have learned from this class and my prior classes as well as the implementation strategies that I have learned. …show more content…

In my role as a health coach, I build a trusting relationship with my patients and to gain a deeper understanding of their individual strengths and struggles that they have to overcome. According to DelHousaye & Brewer (2004), leaders cultivate an environment of trust. Creating a trusting environment is essential to the success of my patients in my role as a health coach; if the patients do not trust me then they will not tell me the important details of their situation that impacts their ability to care for their health. During the sessions, I have had patients tell me that they initially thought that I was going to tell them what to do and when, but they realized that I am there to help to overcome their barriers and that they are the one who is in control of their unique