Reflection Paper: Multiple Forms Of Leadership

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Describe your thought process as you developed your research question.

Throughout my 19-year career in the military, I have experienced multiple forms of leadership. Despite serving as a noncommissioned officer for over three-quarters of my job, I fully understand to be a good leader, and we must learn to be a good follower. The military has a natural pyramid hierarchy with enlisted personnel following commissioned officers. There is no question with this form of authority. Sometimes, as much as I want to support someone because they are a good leader, I find myself led by someone driven by toxic behaviors, and I have to patiently wait for the next good leader to enter my workplace. That wait can often be unbearable and an experience I have fought in my career to shield from others. Before the class, I had a conversation with a commander where she asked for my advice as a Senior Noncommissioned Officer with plenty of enlisted professional development training. She stated her primary concerns were how her young officers were experiencing interpersonal conflicts with staff and this was more of a growing trend than an isolated event. This class presented a perfect opportunity for me to research toxic …show more content…

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