Personal Reflective Diary Analysis

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Reflective Diary: Appendix 1 is taken from my personal reflective diary which I wrote at the start of the PGCE course. At this stage of writing, I had not started my teaching placement so my understanding of behaviour management was still novice. My knowledge had broadened on many other topics that are pivotal to teaching, however, behaviour management had not yet been discussed. This reflection followed from a group discussion with friends and a one on one chat with my AT on my anxieties on manging behaviour in class. This reflection marks a fundamental moment in my thinking as I was becoming mindful that the process of developing as a practitioner would entail me to critically analyse my own previous experiences and beliefs. I had come to believe that one teachers anxieties would be relevant to everyone, I was informed this was not true. However, after this discussion with …show more content…

Reflecting on the discussion, I had learnt to use negatives in a situation and examine why it was negative and how I can use my past experiences to develop my pedagogy. This entry highlights that I had realised the importance of talking with a more knowledgeable and reflecting through the discussion and after. Documenting this in a reflective diary shows how I went through the procedure of letting my formerly held values and assumptions to be questioned by another professional. I was open-minded on other views, particularly as they were from people who I valued and knew were knowledgeable and my discussions allowed me to reflect further on the topic of behaviour management. I had time to reflect independently and I started to develop my own opinion. This reflective diary illustrates that I have begun to develop my reflections by critically analysing my beliefs and thinking about what is best for students in my class. I became aware that my beliefs were biased due to my previous experiences. This is a practice I sustained throughout the year as I continued examining my own