
Personal Reflective Essay

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Writing, the basis of change around the world. People around the world use writing as a way to connect with others and to form a bond with readers. I have learned what it takes to heighten my writing and create pieces of work that lays a template for my further growth. As I learned how to write at the level that was needed to create presentable papers that could pass it became easier to know what should be in the papers and how to write them. Through each report, I had continued to learn more about my shortcomings and had progressed to a beyond passable grade. From gathering evidence, writing the opposing view, writing for people and not just the public, how I write, and critical thinking. It is because of my development, I can confidently …show more content…

In the beginning, I relied on my peers to help me make my papers better. However, this was not the best method as my peers are also learning what they are trying to do and have problems of their own when writing. It was also hard to set up appointments to have people look at the papers due to the busy schedule that work and other school work had set for the class. So, when peer edits were no longer cutting it, I decided to use the Paper Rater and Grammarly website that had most improved my papers when they were applied to my papers. The first thing that I did while using these two sites would be to use Grammarly to check on the grammar that I was lacking in and then use Paper Rater to make sure that all the other mistakes that Grammarly may have missed, then I would look at the grade the Paper Rater would give me. If the grade was anything less than a “B” then I would continue to change certain aspects of my paper such as with my “Analyzing a Visual”. After both sites are used, the next step was to read the paper and make sure everything made sense, this is also were sentences were changed and made to have a better flow. When all edits were done, the paper would be better than what I started with. Through each redoing of my papers, they became works that I was proud to show off and had an impact. With these impacts that my papers can make it is apparent that I am worthy to

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