Personal Statement

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I chose Medicine as my career path as I always wanted to make a positive impact on people’s lives. This as well as my curiosity provoked me into choosing Biology and Chemistry. This is because it has always been intriguing in the sense that it relates to the world around us. I tend to take interest in subjects, which are relatable to me. I prefer the physical aspect of both Biology and Chemistry; the practicals tend to be my strong point. This hands on aspect and the nature of having pure control on practical’s have pushed me into choosing Medicine. My curiosity came to fruition when we first began to learn about the human body at GCSE. Realising how self-reliant and intelligent our bodies are, I began to take an interest into how our bodies work. I began researching and watching different videos on the human body and how it functions. This brought me to a YouTube Page called "The Doctors" which explained certain diseases as well as how certain drugs worked. I was immediately impressed by what I had read and knew I wanted to learn more. This prompted me to take Biology at A level. Sure enough, I began to do more research into more than just the body as well as the entire medical field. Along with Biology, I chose Chemistry and Maths, two subjects which appealed a lot to me and which I found to be very enjoyable. …show more content…

Being taught about this allowed me to see the importance of how advanced us humans are as a species. I have also gained an improved understanding as to how the medical field has advanced which relates to the sudden increase in population due to the ever-expanding advancements of drugs, which have saved countless number of