Personal Statement

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As said by the author Eli Pariser, “To be a good citizen, it's important to be able to put yourself in other people's shoes and see the big picture. If everything you see is rooted in your own identity, that becomes difficult or impossible.” Being a good citizen of the world takes lots of hard work. There are many responsibilities and duties that come with being a citizen of a global community, and each member of this ever-growing world must be well-rounded and know what they are doing for the community. Leadership, scholarship and compassion are three aspects that define a leader of the world, and great qualities to possess for anyone who wishes to be a global citizen. Throughout my daily life, I exhibit these traits constantly, and from extra-curricular …show more content…

When I was in kindergarten, I wrote an essay about tornadoes and entered it for a contest. This essay won the best essay for our grade, then our county, and then north Georgia. When I was in the 5th grade, I was awarded the Gifted Elementary Student of the Year for the state of Georgia. I was enrolled in SEARCH in kindergarten, and I was always an excellent student, for I enjoy a challenge when it comes to academics. When looking at middle schools, I chose what I considered to be the most academically rigorous middle school in the county, the Da Vinci Academy. When the E^2 program opened, I had already been accepted into Da Vinci, and I decided to stick with that decision. I have enjoyed my time there, and I feel as though the rigorous coursework is justified when asking oneself this question: “If I wish to go to a high-level high school program, will I be able to with my current coursework?” I chose to take more rigorous classes, even as early as elementary school, for they would get me into a good middle school, which will turn into a good high school, then a good college, and then a good life. The ATLAS program is the perfect way for me to open up the opportunity of a successful life by taking Honors, AP and the even IB classes. As the International Baccalaureate diploma is the most academically rigorous of all high school diplomas, graduating with the honor of this challenging high school course will hopefully appeal to many colleges around the country. Throughout my entire life of education, I have and will strive to be as academically advanced as I can be through the ATLAS program, and scholarship is one of my core values when it comes to

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