Personal Statement

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My palms were sweaty, there was butterflies in my stomach, and as it was my turn to talk I began to feel the future pit stains that were soon to come. For only about 20 seconds, I was about to speak in front of the rotary club about my achievements and activities in high school as a well my future plans, yet, I was nervous. After I was finished speaking I went back to my seat and a retired engineer whispered to me, “It is hard for us engineer types to talk in front of a crowd, but I did a good job.” Although the field of engineering is math and science focused, communication skills are necessary as well. Communication skills rely heavily on reading and writing skills. As a result, reading and writing are paramount in my future career in chemical …show more content…

I will need to be an effective writer in order to adequately communicate my ideas and the results of my work to my coworkers and superiors. In engineering, an idea is simply an idea without the ability to communicate it to others. Even if I came up with the newest chemical compound that would change the world, it is nothing without the writing surrounding it that convinces the engineering world of its merit. In order to take an idea and transform it into a real world engineering concept, I need the ability to construct a coherent writing piece that effectively communicates the idea. As a result, writing skills are imperative to me in becoming successful in my future career. In addition, reading skills are also crucial for me in becoming a chemical engineer. I will need to be able to effectively read my peers’ ideas and results in order to efficiently perform within a group of my coworkers. In engineering, reading is essential in communicating within a group and incorporating the ideas of others. Including my groups’ ideas alongside my own would further develops my own theories and benefit the group as well. If I was unable to read and understand the theories of my peers, I would be less successful as an engineer. The field of engineering relies heavily on the ability to communicate in a group; thus, reading skills are imperative to me in becoming a successful chemical engineer. Reading and writing skills are important communication skills that will be paramount in my future job as a chemical