
Personal Statement: A Career As A Mentor

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Three years ago, during the summer of the year 2012, I experienced a major transformation. No, I am not referring to the mere fashion or outward alteration just like what lifestyle channels feature. What I am talking about is a wholesome makeover- both inner and outer. Back then, I did not care about anyone besides myself; I found comfort in residing within the high and seemingly indestructible walls I built around me. I was terrified to let the world know what I was capable of doing so I settled for mediocrity. The spark of change started to ignite due to one leadership camp which was followed by many other occurrences wherein I realized a lot of things that I could not have known solely by myself. I would not be who I am right now apart from …show more content…

Unlike the professors that we encounter in the academe, mentors create and develop a personal relationship with people they train or their “mentees” or “protégés/protégées.” They get to know them more: their background, interests, strengths, weaknesses, fears, dreams, and struggles. In that way, they get to treat their mentees in a more personalized yet professional way. They see the leading and following process more effective if they walk side-by-side rather than walking ahead of those who go after them. However, there must still be a clear line of respect that draws the mentor and mentee apart despite the closeness that they have. Through the retention of reverence in the mentoring process, the “spirit of familiarity” or the state of being too comfortable with one another to the point that one disregards the authority of the other is avoided. When a right relationship is maintained, it becomes easier for both ends: easier for the mentees to follow the advice of their mentor, and easier for the mentors to impart whatever it is that they want their apprentices to acquire. I know this because I experienced it myself; I find it easier to listen to and follow …show more content…

Plato had Socrates. Bill Gates had Dr. Ed Roberts. Steve Jobs had Robert Friedland. Harry Potter had Professor Dumbledore and Snape. Po had Master Shifu. Personally, I would not have been where I am right now and surely, I would not be the Bea I will become 10, 20, or 50 years from now without my mentors as well. They have invested and are still continually investing their time, effort, and even their money for me without expecting anything in return. They say that they find joy and contentment in changing lives of people through what they already know and experienced. These people are one of the reasons why I can untiringly bounce back and strive harder despite the hardships life has in store. They have left a legacy in my world and in other people’s worlds as well and soon enough, I will touch the lives of others as well, giving back to others what I received. I am because my mentors

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