Personal Statement: A Career As A Nurse

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My name is Gunner Bower and I am 21 years old. This year, 2023, is my third year at college and I have had an amazing experience so far. Last year I was accepted into the associate’s degree program for nursing, and I have had so many opportunities granted to me since. During my time in the program I have made so many new friends with whom I can share my struggles and joys with during this time in our lives together. I thought that my previous two years were packed with learning, but this is the most knowledge I have ever acquired at one point in my life. I feel so accomplished, not only being in this program, but having the ability to utilize all of the information I have learned at this college before I entered the program. Putting it all …show more content…

Many caring people in my life, especially nurses, have had a huge impact on my motivation for entering the program. My great grandmother was a nurse for over 30 years and I’ve always looked up to her. She is an example of humility, compassion, and service to me. When I first entered healthcare as a nursing assistant, I was always ready to help. I did everything to the best of my ability so that I would please my superiors and the patients. In retrospect, it seems that I was always aiming for the approval of my coworkers and peers, before I thought about my residents. The years went by and I started to gain more understanding. I started working in a memory care unit about a year ago when I first got my certification. These people changed my life and how I thought about nursing as a whole. I had the chance to become more understanding by putting myself in their shoes, and more importantly: their mind. This time in my life was revolutionizing, and changed the way I thought about humanity as a whole. I never had the chance to consider how experiences change during the lifespan, what a joyful life this is, and how rewarding a little selflessness can be. I used to try and be a caregiver and future nurse for my supervisor's acceptance, but the motivation for becoming a nurse is my own now, and I’ve to put service towards the community