Personal Statement: A Career As A Surgeon

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Have you ever thought of going to college,I have to be a general surgeon. Hartford University would make this come true. This school is the top ranked surgeon school. Going to this school would be a great opportunity to start my “grownup life”. Going to this school would make this university look good, it would make me become a successful adult, and lastly this job would have difficulties. There are several reasons why being a surgeon would be a great opportunity. In the past years my uncle had died for cancer. Being a general surgeon I could make my uncle feel proud that could find a cure. My grandpa also died of being sick. Being a surgeon could make my grandpa also feel good that I helped someone like him being very sick. Another reason this is a great opportunity is the good money. The good money I could …show more content…

From Harvard Medical website they say “The Program in Medical Education (PME) at Harvard Medical School is the organizational structure housing the educational programs leading to the MD degree.” What Harvard college is doing is they are encouraging try to get in this college or encouraging student to want to go to that college like me. Aakash Shah a class of 2016 says “I was blown away by the fact [Calabrese] was taking the time to call a high school student who had done a science fair project that merited his time and attention” said Shah.” This is what encourages me to go to this university because I want to feel the he feels and becoming successful. Also, from Harvard University website it says “Harvard is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States, established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.” This is important to me because if I want to go to this university then I should know more about this school and know really why I want to go there. This is why it would be a great opportunity to be apart of this school’s medical