CCOM Personal Statement

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In addition to an excellent medical education, an opportunity to participate in research, and a great campus community; I believe the CCOM will provide me with the tools I need to empower others and be a leader in the community. While on a service trip to Nicaragua, I learned of the effectiveness and level of impact a holistic model can have on a community. A major source of illness and stress for rural Nicaraguans is the lack of clean water. The stress involved with the acquisition of water can be detrimental to Nicaraguan’s physical, mental and social health. As a terminal stage of a large project, my fellow classmates and I helped build basic sanitation infrastructure that brought water directly to community homes. The appreciation we received …show more content…

I started in the emergency room, working as a scribe. As I had to write medical charts in the doctor’s words, I gained valuable clinical knowledge and insight to the doctor’s decision-making process. To further enhance my academic background, I enrolled into an advanced studies post-baccalaureate program and then a master’s program. In these programs, I completed rigorous courses such as medical sociology, biochemistry, microanatomy, and gross anatomy. As part of my thesis project, I began working in a gait analysis lab where I have been analyzing factors that may predispose the anterior cruciate ligament to tears. I continued to show leadership and service outside of the classroom by helping to start Wright State University’s first ever Global Public Health Brigades chapter. Yet above all this, I believe I bring a great deal of passion. My experiences have led me to the belief that the best investment we can make is in each other. It is my goal to elevate the communities I serve through compassionate care and the promotion of health. I believe I have proven capable of handling the academic rigors of medical school and that I deserve the opportunity to continue to prove myself. By granting me a seat in the 2018 class at CCOM you will be getting an empathetic, goal-oriented and well-rounded individual that is a leader in the

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