Personal Statement

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Scholarship, leadership, character, and service are important factors in any successful high school student’s life. Through good grades, leadership experiences, respect for my teachers, coaches, and classmates, and volunteer work, I have managed to incorporate all of the necessary factors into my life. As a sophomore in high school, college is starting to get closer and closer. In order to get into a competitive college, good grades are essential. Nicolet is widely regarded as one of the toughest high schools in Wisconsin, and due to my heavy workload, one of my toughest tasks is balancing time between both my studies and basketball practice. Receiving all A’s and B’s while so much of my time is dedicated to basketball shows my strong devotion to scholastic achievement. Throughout my high school career, I have been an active member of the Dean’s List appearing on it every quarter and semester so far. Appearing on the Dean’s List is another example of my academic achievement. Through my academic dedication and achievement, I have shown my scholarship. Each of my last four summers have been spent at a camp in the North Woods of …show more content…

I always hold myself accountable for my actions, and try to treat everyone respectfully. I have recently applied for the Merit Award, and have met all the requirements. Meeting all the requirements of the Merit Award is a true test of character. It requires service hours, school spirit, leadership in class, and participation in extracurricular activities. In order to meet these requirements, I have to be a well rounded person, and show a lot of character. My ability to set goals for myself and then achieve them is another way I show character. My freshman year, I was a bench player on the basketball team. Over the summer, I was in the gym everyday improving my game and started the whole year on JV. A respectful yet determined manner is how I show