Personal Statement

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College is a whole new stage in life. A stage where I will have to live with my choices whether they are bad ones or good ones. In the fall, I have the opportunity to start that journey at Lehigh University. In order to create a better version of myself, some of the traits that I would change are time management, social networking, and my urge to learn everything at once. One of the trait I want to keep is my perseverance. As I thought of main qualities that I believe are important in order to be successful, perseverance is one that always come to mind. In college, I believe there will be many ups and downs that will make quitting seem like the best possible solution. Having the will to not listen to your inner thought and stand back …show more content…

I also know that, though I have started to learn this skill, I have more to learn. Throughout this year as a senior, I had to manage my time accordingly in order to keep my grades up, complete my college applications, search up scholarships, and also doing my daily chores at home. It was not an easy process that everything could be completed in a blink of an eye. I had to start using my phone as a planner to keep track of all the important deadlines. Before using a planner, I would forget what was due when and had a short amount of time to complete everything. I know that this could be my downfall in college and this is an aspect I am more than willing to work …show more content…

Being able to talk to random people without an awkward silence is a skill that I want to own. One thing I’ve learned is you never know who is standing right next to you unless you enter into a conversation with them. They might be the CEO of the company that you have been dreaming about working for since you were very little. By being able to engage into a conversation with him or her, you will make it easier for them to get to know and remember you. Throughout high school, I have been trying to branch out to different type of people to build my connections. I practice my conversation skills by talking to my teachers and build a relationship with them. Last year, I had the chance to build a strong relationship with my physics teacher. At this point he is not only a teacher to me, but a mentor as well because I had the chance to work with him in the technology office at school. Being interested in physics and technology made it a lot easier to build that relationship. Now he is currently working at another school but I still have his email and plan to use it in the future. Recently, I had the chance to participate in a career day event where I was given the opportunity to go to PECO and be exposed to different types of career path. I met PECO’s Head of Technology and had the chance to speak with him. He was talking about how he had the opportunity to get an internship at PECO after his