
Leadership Philosophy Statement

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With every passing school year, I find myself taking on new challenges and striving to become better. As I load my schedule with AP and Dual Enrollment courses, the long sleepless nights of studying and completing stacks of rigorous coursework serve as a constant reminder that working hard isn't optional. I truly value education and thoroughly believe that the work I'm doing now will pay off in the future. This conviction fuels my motivation to succeed and always put forth my best effort. Tackling a hectic extracurricular schedule while managing the workload of advanced courses has quickly shown me the importance of staying organized, keeping track of assignments, and managing my time wisely. Though I can't confidently say it has been easy, …show more content…

Despite the fact that I have undertaken being Vice President of Chinese-American Culture Club only recently, I believe that I am an exceptional leader in other unique ways. Leadership goes beyond a title within a club or organization, and encompasses principles like setting the standard for others to follow and guiding others on the right path. Leading others through example, I make sure I uphold values such as maintaining academic integrity, taking care of the campus or environment, and making the smart decisions. Through this, I strive to become a positive role model that sets a standard for others to simulate and look up to. One of the important aspects of leadership is taking charge when others are lost or unsure. With many group effort tasks, I'm usually the first to direct and organize responsibilities so that they are manageable for the whole. Leadership is truly a team effort, and through it I've learned of the importance of communicating with your peers and collaborating ideas in order to make decisions that best fit the needs of the entire group. Being able to work well with others and acknowledging others' input are traits that would be a beneficial contribution to NHS because the open-mindedness I have acquired through leadership demonstrates that I can be a leader while also being a part of the

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