Personal Statement

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When I first recieved this application before I filled anything out, I looked at what the writing prompt was. I became overjoyed at the fact that I had the choice between a more global stance and a more personal approach to write about. This due in part because I am a person of many facets. With that being said something that really matters to me is how my academics and family life intertwine. I take much pride in how I’m becoming a more well-rounded person because of that. Although some people might say that family and academics are polar opposites and that they should be separate with their own place and time, I believe that in my case my family defines who I am, and my academics shine and portray that. For me, academics and family intertwine, …show more content…

Before I jump into what that means, I would like to describe what combining school and my personal morals actually represent. Ever since I was a young girl, I always strived to be the best I could be, but my family always told me that though it is good to want to succeed you need to find the purpose behind it. When they taught me that principle I had honestly begun to think about the main purpose of why I wanted to succeed. By the time I entered the sixth grade, I knew exactly why I wanted to try and become the best possible version of myself. It was so that I could grow, and with the knowledge I obtain, be able to help others around me. Being productive is something that I as a well-rounded individual have achieved and continue to apply it in all areas of my life. In middle school, I received straight A’s throughout. To put it simply, it was hard, yet rewarding. Every day for those three years, I recall my mother telling me that whatever you do always give your best and that would be good enough for her. My parents have always told me that they don’t want me to feel as though they were pressuring me too hard. This motivated me because I knew it wasn’t something that was forced upon me as a child, but rather a passion that I wanted to never stop working towards. I also just finished my first semester in high school with straight A’s and am ranked number two in my freshmen class. For me it’s not …show more content…

As previously discussed, being productive and capable all work together with how my academics and family are one. Additionally, through my family I am also someone who stands up for others. Most people who don’t actually know me just see a “tall smart girl”, but my friends and family know that I’m more than that. When I’m not at school, doing homework, or playing the piano, I’m spending time with my friends and family. Whenever my friends are going through a rough patch, they come talk to me. I am a very positive, outgoing, and forthright person. I tell them like it is, the truth. I’m very ethical and can use common sense to try and solve most social problems, I encourage my friends with love and compassion. At home, whenever there are issues, we solve them in the most logical way possible. We treat each other the way we’d like to be treated. I have a strong family structure that includes eating well, staying physically fit, spending time together, as well as taking time to be united in our faith. I believe in order to be a well-rounded successful person you need to be able to tie all of these strands