Personal Statement: Informational Interview

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Informational Interview
On April 3rd, 2018, I contacted my interviewee via telephone. My interviewee was my mother, Sheila Rains. Since she has been a nurse for over thirty-four years, she was able to provide me with all the answers I needed. I believe her love for nursing and insight into the field will instill passion in others. She is currently employed at the Bladen County Health Department working as a Communicable Disease nurse. The interviewee graduated from Davidson County Community College in May of 1986 with an associate’s degree in nursing.
My interviewee provided me with background information as to why she decided to enter the field of nursing. In her senior year of high school, she was assigned to take a health occupations class. …show more content…

She also explained that a nurse needs to have good communication skills. In addition to good communication skills and compassion, a nurse needs to be able to prioritize tasks along with being organized. While these skills are important to have there are many technical skills needed to be a nurse. You start to gain some of these technical skills in nursing school, but you get them mostly from hands on work in the field. These skills develop when you get your first entry level job, as reported by my interviewee the best job for an entry job would be in a hospital. It allows you to learn a multitude of different skills in a small period of …show more content…

It is never of any use to oneself.” After being in the field of nursing for thirty-four years, my interviewee had a lot of advice to give nursing students or even newly registered nurses. Nursing school is extremely difficult, but an inspiring nurse can get through it as long as they plan to study as much as possible. Any nurse could explain how hard a nursing degree is to achieve. When entering the nursing field, it is important to be kind to yourself and others. Everyone makes mistakes. There will be successes and failures. Overall, during nursing school and first starting out as a nurse, a person in this field needs to be truly dedicated. It is the only way to get to where you want to

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