Personal Statement Of Accomplishment

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Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

For a majority of my life, I believed that each day is comprised of a stream of mundane moments and ever so few exemplary experiences. At this beginning of summer 2017, I embarked on a journey that greatly influenced the outlook on life, as I experienced life away from society for an extended period of time. At first, my personal growth began a slow rise, as living in the woods was a new experience for me. However, once I began working with others, I discovered that I work well with others in an activity that I enjoy. Around a month into my time working at Camp Tahosa, I began to realize that I was developing a sense of self. This change in character has allowed me to be secure in my actions, and focus on what really matters in my life. With this new outlook on life, I shifted my pessimistic …show more content…

While working at the camp, clear and concise education was consistently paired with the desire to be compassionate to both campers and fellow staff members. Each task during the day required individual participation, but also focused on the bigger picture. Through daily practice of these skills, I also gained knowledge on improving my time management, personal responsibility, and altruism. In my daily life, I have taken aspects of what I have learned and allowed them to shape my daily interactions with others. With my newly honed exemplary interactions, I have recently taken on a new responsibility in the management of my Boy Scout Venture Crew (a group that focuses on creating new opportunities for youth to explore the outdoors, as well as discovering potential future career outlets. In the success of this program, it is clear that the lessons I learned from camp have vivid real-life