Personal Statement: Pursuing The Identity Of Students After High School

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When I enter high school next year, I want to be working with 10th or 11th graders. I think 10th grade or 11th grade is a crucial time because it is when students really start to think about what they might like to do after high school. My mission is to ensure that students have a safe environment to learn valuable skills to set them up for their adult life. I value the focus on identity in the English and believe that as students discover their identity and others’ identity, they will become more empathetic and aware of the world around them. I believe in teaching students' practical skills like problem solving and relating English texts to social issues students may face so that they can be prepared for the real world. In addition, I want my students to know that someone cares about them and believes that they can be successful.

Biological and Physical Development

As a soon to be high school teacher, …show more content…

I want to include a whole unit in English on identity and how students can start viewing themselves. I think a part of identity development is creating options for choices. During my unit on identity, I want to give the students a selection of books that are young adult fiction that represent my students’ identity. Some books I might consider are I’m Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter, Saints and Misfits, Darius is The Great is Not Okay, and All American Boys. I would also be open to students picking books that they think better represent them. My goal is that they are reading a book about a main character that looks like them and may go through similar experiences as them so they can start to see the idea of “mirrors” or literature that represents them rather than “windows” that give them a look into others' lives. While they are reading this book, I would want them to write reflection papers about how this book might relate to their own values, beliefs, and