Personal Trainer Interview Paper

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On February 29, 2016 at approximately 3:43 P.M. Interviewed Jessica Domeier at In Shape Modesto on Prescott Rd. for a college level paper. She was chosen for this paper because of her education and experience she has obtained in her profession. Jessica is a personal trainer at In Shape a gym that has numerous locations throughout the Central Valley. Although she has only been a personal trainer at this facility for two months, she comes prepared with many years in experience in being an athlete and also education. Jessica has a Masters in Kinesiology from Concordia University located in Chicago. Her focus is on sports education, exercise science, and athletic training.When asked why she chose her profession Jessica stated that she had always …show more content…

I asked her how important is the knowledge of Kinesiology and is it necessary for the job in which she responded that it is very very key. A personal trainer needs to understand how the body moves and works, while also understanding the muscle fibers. An example she gave was that when someone squats there are different techniques in which you can underdeveloped one muscle or overdeveloped another if not done correctly. When asked about what type of population she specializes in and works with she mentioned that she helps the older population with functionality coming off an injury. Her opinion on the future job prospect for the profession is positive. She predicts that as the profession grows Personal Trainers will be more knowledgeable about the human body mechanics and chemistry. She added that clients desire someone that is also friendly and understanding to their personal needs. If the trainers has all of these traits and knowledge they should do well in this profession. Jessica lastly stated that this job should be around for a long time because there will always be injuries to people when that happens she plans on being there for clients when they need to