Persuasive Essay Abolish Death Penalty

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Death Penalty: Abolish Execution
Do people realize execution cost a lot of money? The death penalty was first recorded in 1808. In the United States twenty seven states still execute criminals. The method that’s usually used to killed people on death row is usually lethal injection. Voters should vote against the death penalty because killing anyone is inhumane, it cost money, and it doesn’t make criminals stop.
No killing is humane, everybody has a right to live. An antiabortion activist in Maryland Leszek Syski says an interesting comment on execution. Syski states “I became convinced that the question of whether or not murderers deserve to die is the wrong one. The real question is whether other humans have a right to kill them. Nobody should be able to kill anybody, and the death penalty goes against that. It doesn’t matter how you kill someone you’re still taking a life. states “Disguising executions in white lab coats and allowing them to shoot prisoners with chemicals instead of bullets does not constitute humanity.” Killing these prisoners with lethal injection is just as bad as killing them with bullets. The only difference is it make people feel better about what they’re doing. …show more content…

Most people think keeping somebody in jail would cost more than to execute them, but it’s the opposite. states “Contrary to conventional wisdom, it’s much more costly to execute a person than to imprison them for life.” Life in prison cost about $740,000 on the other hand execution cost $1.26 million. Where is the money to execute these people on death row coming from? says “The death penalty cost California tax payers $137 million dollars each year.” Yes, the taxpayers are paying for the majority of the cost to execute these people. Instead of paying a minimal cost to keep these people in prison tax payers are paying to kill them. Putting these criminals in prison would save money and