Persuasive Essay Pro Death Penalty

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The death penalty takes many lives every day, for good reason. The use of capital punishment will protect future communities and keep crimes from being committed such as murder. Criminals who do unspeakable acts should have unspeakable consequences, and should not deserve to live. Although many lives are taken because of capital punishment, the death penalty is useful and should be used all around the world. The death penalty should be enforced so justice is served for society, the criminals would fear, and protects others from being harmed. The death penalty has been a highly controversial topic for many years. Those opposed to it say it is sinful for the government to take a life of a citizen at any point in time. They also believe in the 8th Amendment, and that …show more content…

If one gets punished and executed on the spot, other criminals would now fear this system, and maybe even quit their crimes they have committed. There are crimes all around the world that are viewed as unacceptable, and people with a taste of common sense, need to recognize that it is not ok. The things that many of these people are doing to young children and women are unacceptable and they have to be punished for it. It gives people around the world a sense of leverage, and they will not stand for these unspeakable crimes. One should think of a near relative getting raped or severely injured by one of these criminals, and that will maybe influence a person on their decision. Around the world, people have become angry and have failed to teach the future generation what is right. This is a generation where many people take no responsibility and do not even look at the consequences of their behavior. The death penalty can help stop future murderers, and therefore save many innocent lives. One must act and decide now , the chances of an innocent man or woman being murdered are every