What just happened?
Where did this "I" go.
It 's nothing but pure darkness within. You see the true thoughts and reflections of thyself.
Don 't always be scared or anxious about what you look like. You can 't even see yourself. Do what is best for thyself in the end. The greatest you.
Imagine if there was no form of reflection. Mirrors/glass or water something you can see your reflection in
Thyself couldn 't be seen. Only others could observe and tell you what you look like. Art in words.
An artist could draw what they see. If cameras were within this world, maybe that too. Imagine no cameras in this world.
The only form of a picture is art in a way.
This would be quite interesting to imagine. We 'd either all go more insane than
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Are you an enemy to yourself and many others around you.
Or are you the greatest that you wish to be?
Happiness should be the general state of mind. It 's just most are lost within this crazy "reality" of a world.
In the end, each moment is the same as the last. You create each emotion yourself.
Reflect on each moment and try to find the deeper message within it and you 'll find happiness. Don 't go too deep or you 'll get so very lost.
If all you do is look at the "bad" this reality of "depression" will continue.
Dig yourself out of the hole you 're within or keep digging that hole deeper and deeper each movement.
The deeper the more you 're away from your true self. The more out of the hole the greater you 're to happiness.
It 's like abbs, hahaha. We all have them, it 's just hiding deep within ourselves hahaha. :)
You have to "work" but I mean play for happiness. Search for the greater purpose.
The only change is constant. If you continue doing what you 're doing now. Expect nothing different within this life.
Change up the days and add new things to your life. If you wish to make a change do so.
These experiences will enhance life. Dreams are only dreams till you put action towards them. Then it 's more real than reality