Persuasive Essay About Being A Cop

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T. Blauer said, "You never know how much you can do, until you try to do more than you can." Everyone does what they believe is "their part" in the work there is to do. However, the "Brothers in blue" try so hard to do more than their part. They protect and serve. We see them a lot on fictional TV shows, but do we know the real heroes? Recognize their sacrifice? Maybe not as well as we should. Police officers often don't get the respect that they deserve for what they see and do. Being a cop would be hard. They often see the worst parts of the worst people- the things no one ever wants to see. They leave to work, probably wondering if they'll see their family again. The danger is immense, and the things they see are hard to imagine if you haven't seen it yourself. There's a lot more to the …show more content…

I mean, there are perks to all jobs. People look for those perks when fishing for employment. Pay, interest, working conditions, and benefits are just some of the things that can make a job worth everything you give up for it. Policing has lots of things that would make the job look like a nightmare. The hiring process is long, background checks thorough, and tough training. You will see things you didn't want to see, and the hours are long and unusual. The job is tiring, and can even lead to health issues if you aren't careful, and you won't get rich. Despite all this, officers still enjoy the job. In the article, "Is It Hard to Become a Cop", it says, "There are a lot of hard aspects to the job, but there are far more benefits. As difficult as the process can be at times, it's all worth it in the end when you get to have a part in helping others and making your community a better, safer place. No matter how hard it gets, a job as a police officer is by far one of the most rewarding vocations available..." Some of these benefits and rewards include the tools you get to use, things you get to do, and the pride of the