Pro Athletes Should Get Paid Essay

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Pro Athletes Get Paid More Than Your Military, Police, and Doctors! There is a huge controversy over whether professional athletes should get paid more than the military, police force, and people in the medical field. Some people think they should not and some think that they should. Military, Police, and Doctors should be paid more than professional athletes because everyday they put their lives on the line to make sure that our lives are protected. The police force has very hard jobs that some people do not really understand that they have. Some of these jobs involve, protecting citizens, enforcing laws, taking suspects into custody, always responding to calls, gathering evidence on a case and interviewing victims, documenting and reporting …show more content…

Along the same lines, the military has many different jobs as well that people really do not know about which are split up into whether you are enlisted military or an officer in the military. For enlisted personnel jobs include, going into or supporting military combat or operations, operating, maintaining, and repairing equipment or machinery, and also supervising junior enlisted personnel. Finally for officers in the military, jobs include, planning, organizing and leading military operations, managing the enlisted personnel, operating aircraft, ships, or armored vehicles, and providing military services like medical, legal, engineering, and other services (Military). The military plays an enormous part in keeping everyone safe. No matter what is going on in their lives they are expected to respond if they are called to be sent over. Their job and helping their country is their top priority, and they are put in harm's way every time they get deployed in order to protect our country. They do not get enough credit and appreciation for the job that they do. Doctors are a huge part in our community helping to make sure that our society is healthy. They have many jobs in order to keep our society healthy such as, diagnosing patients using examinations or tests, then prescribing