Should College Athletes Get Paid Essay

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Have you ever wonder why professional athletes get paid and college players don’t? Also have u ever wonder about how many players form college actually get to go pro and get to play the sport they love and get paid doing it? You also have to think with all the books and classes a college player pays for why not pay them so they don't have to worry about being in debt and also what about the equipment have u ever wonder if they have to pay for their equipment or does the college provided it for them. Therefore, with that being said there arguments that college players don't get paid because they compete in sports and playin divisions that earn little or no money for their schools paying student athletes would cross the line between professionalism and amateurism and would violate the essence of being a student athlete. While others who think college athletes should get paid argue The NCAA and its corporate partners make billions of dollars from college athletes .Those players should be compensated for their hard work, especially when their names and likenesses are used in merchandise licensed by the NCAA, such as video games. Next, I want to talk about how many college players actually get to become a professional athlete according to …show more content…

Most football college supply everything a football player need helmets, shoulder pads, practice pant, game pants, game sucks, game cleats, game tight,and game sleeves, there are also times where a player might want his own helmet that he can pay for but he has to get the team color and proper stuff on the helmet that the team is supposed to have. Also players can buy their own shoulder pads but they have to be proved my a coach or trainer if not they are not allowed to wear them if caught punishment such as suspensions from a couple games may