Persuasive Essay About Climate Change

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Climate change is a wicked problem which is on the rise everyday. This is a global issue that is quite real, despite what a number of individuals think. There are a few key points that support the issue of climate change, more specifically global warming, and the importance of addressing the issue sooner rather than later. One point is the staggering annual output levels of carbon emissions from each country. Even more concerning is the fact that these levels continue to rise with no real cement plan to come together and steady the emissions as a global power. An additional point to better prove how real global warming truly is would be the global rise of sea level each year. The final point that will be discussed in support of global warming is the shrinkage of Arctic sea ice and the global glacial retreat. Of course, some may bring up the opposing point that carbon emissions fluctuate naturally with or without human interaction. Although that may be true, the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere over the past half-century has increased almost 33% whereas levels have remained more or less the same for the past 400,000 years. …show more content…

National Snow and Ice Data Center shows reports of glacial ice reduction in countries all over the world such as the Alps, Alaska, Himalayas, Andes, Africa, and Rockies. In addition to glacier shrinkage, Arctic sea ice’s surface area and relative thickness has been declining “rapidly” over the past few decades. Obviously, global ice sheet shrinkage may not be something that causes a common citizen to immediately become concerned and an activist for the issue. However, these issues have global impacts that extend further than just having less ice in the world. These problems are responsible for the loss of Arctic animal biodiversity such as Polar bears not being able to travel