Persuasive Essay On Climate Change

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There is a great issue sweeping around the world that many ignore or rub off as a hoax. Films have been made about it, books have been made about it, and yet many do not treat the issue with the importance and significance it deserves. The issue is climate change. Climate change is an issue that should be at the very front of people’s minds and yet it isn’t because it hasn’t directly affected most people yet. It is true that climate change has happened in the past but our use of fossil fuels has exponentially increased the amount of warming going on in the world. We need to either reduce the usage of fossil fuels or find an alternate energy source to generate the mass amount of energy demanded each day. If we don’t do this the consequences …show more content…

They think that the earth would become a tropical place, where most people want to be. They are correct that it could very well be that the earth could do this, but there is also a very real threat most don’t know about. Due to the rising temperature and vast amounts of fresh water being dumped into the Atlantic Ocean an ice age could be triggered. This would happen because a thing called “The Great Ocean Conveyor” which is what circulates all the water in the oceans and allows the North East to have the climate it does (“The Global Conveyor Belt - Currents: NOAA's National Ocean Service Education”), would shut off or slow down. This would end the circulation of warm and cold water and could throw Europe and the Northeast United States into an ice age. This has even happened once before in recorded history. It was called “the little ice age”. A great dam of ice that was holding a giant lake of fresh water bigger than all the great lakes broke apart allowing for a great torrent of fresh water to enter the sea and disrupt the conveyor which threw Europe back into an ice age. If this were to happen again, the temperature would drop 5-10 degrees Celsius which is 9-18 degrees Fahrenheit within a few years