Persuasive Essay About Climate Change

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Climate change awareness has become a trending issue within the U.S. among politicians, students, and citizens. The global warming campaign specifically has pervaded through our nation, yet most citizens still are not aware of the consequences of the current climate change. According to the Tear Fund’s public policy officer Sarah Trobe’s research journal, Climate Change and Poverty, climate change results in food insecurity, poor health, deforestation, and economic decline (Trobe, 1). Yet such environmental changes are viewed by the nation as just coincidental and harmful natural events. Climate change is often seen as an oblique issue, however it is affecting the sustainability of our world, nation and our population directly. Although the affects of climate change impact the entire population, the repercussions are most prevalent within the living conditions of the poor. According to business magnate Bill Gates, “Climate change is a terrible problem and absolutely needs to be solved. It deserves to be a huge priority.” …show more content…

According to the latest UN report, not only is climate change “cutting into food production” and “raising temperatures” it will have a “long term impact on human survival” as well (Childress 1). This impact on human survival relates directly to the poor because in comparison to the population, the poor is the most unprepared to battle a threat to human continuity due to their overall lack of resources. A group of people without the proper sources of sanitation, access to food and water, and energy sources can’t effectively battle the fight presented by the change in climate. The poor already struggle to obtain a sufficient supply of food, maintain a steady job, and avoid illness; all factors that are complicated by the change in