
Persuasive Essay About Climate Change

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Climate Change has been continuously debated by those that believe that it is happening and by those that deny it. As the effects grow more obvious day by day more people are beginning to handle it with more prejudice, but more aid is needed in an effort to combat its current and future effects. In order to set the planet on the right track, the government needs to take action and formulate laws that highly regulate the rate of carbon emissions.

As temperatures increase, large glacial deposits began to melt resulting in increased sea levels throughout the world. Although it is only a few inches over a period time, it can have devastating effects on many lives. Scientist long ago came to a consensus that global warming will cause “significant sea level rise, causing property damage and population displacement” (UCS). When sea levels rise, the frequency of floods directly increase which result in a mass migration of people as they try to escape their flooded homes and cities. The rise in sea level will also lead to a decline in the sustainability of populations. The salt water carried from the sea onto land would “continue to degrade ecosystems …show more content…

As said previously, rising temperatures comes rising sea levels and increased number of flooding. This would have catastrophic effects on countries all around the world as the mass migrations would lead to disruptions in “global trade, transport, energy supplies and labour markets, banking and finance, investment and insurance…”(SS). The effects would be even worse for developing nations. The migrations and loss of resources would cause them to “ be drawn into larger and more protracted disputes over water, energy supplies or food, all of which may disrupt economic growth”(SS). The economy and sustainability of nations will continue in a downward spiral as the temperatures continue to

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