Long Term Effects Of Climate Change

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In recent days, climate change, a change in the usual weather in a place, temperature for a month or season and change in the Earth’s climate, has been issuing in the world. According to the brochure published by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO) (Hamburg et al., 2006), climate change is controlled by a large amount of energy from the Earth’s surface and greenhouses. Moreover, natural events such as volcanic eruptions and human activities such as burning coal, and oil affect the climate, as such these causes resulted in melting sea ice, rising sea level and threatening people. This essay will account for three of terrifying impacts of climate change. One of the effects is that sea ice is melting because of high temperature. For instance, Arctic is one of the areas where sea ice has been lost. According to Weather Underground (2016), the Arctic sea ice thickness has decreased; in addition, they quoted the National snow and Ice Date Center insisted that sea ice melted doubled to 39% in 2011. If the Arctic sea ice was melted, weather patterns would …show more content…

Furthermore, it may affect to other negative effects. One of the effects can tend to be frequent flooding. According to Union of Concerned Scientists (2014), it was stated “sea level rise, driven primarily by global warming, is the main cause of observed increases in tidal flooding. One-third of the 52 locations would face tidal flooding more than 180 times per year”. In addition, some cities may be shrunk due to rising sea level. According to an article on Phys Org (2011), based on the findings of University of Arizona Department of Geosciences, scientists asserted that about 9% of the land of the U.S. can be threatened by rising sea level even that Miami and Virginia Beach could lose more than 10% of their land. As such, these can have an effect on