Persuasive Essay About Climate Change

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Everyday millions of people make use of their cars and electricity. But a lot of them don’t know is the great impact it has today while climate change and air pollution keep increasing. Climate change is a change in globally weather patterns every certain time as centuries. Air pollution is the presence of contaminated substances in the air due to smoke or gases from vehicles, factories and power stations. Today scientists have proved that greenhouse gasses emissions in specific carbon emissions are the main cause for why these problems have been increasing as humans activities are causing it.

Greenhouse gases absorb reflected sun energy to maintain the Earth’s atmosphere at a temperature that can be habitable. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a …show more content…

While others try to solve it, some believes that “Any solution that doesn’t take carbon from the air is, in principle, not sustainable,” says physicist Peter Eisenberger of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University, who is working on arrangements to take CO2 out of the sky rather than smokestacks meaning that CCT is necessary to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere . Carbon Capture Technology or CCT is the process of sequestering any waste of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels and transporting it to a storage normally underground, so it won’t enter to the atmosphere. However that doesn’t mean it can go back to the atmosphere. The fact that is necessary CCT to take out CO2 from the atmosphere is not true because it’s not really reducing it, it's just storing it and at the end it's not save. According to David Biello a journalist graduated from the the school of Journalism at Columbia University and an award winning journalist writing primarily about the environmental and energy, exists the risk that earthquakes occurred caused by the drain of high pressure liquids and random releases as a result breaking the pipelines and sending CO2 back to the atmosphere. On the other hand we have people saying is costly to change it said Jessica Feldish however it has a bigger impact on the fact that looking years ahead it would cost less money because we can anticipate some damages due to sea level rise, she