Persuasive Essay About Helicopter Parents

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Helicopter Parents: Do They Save Teens or Cause Them to Crash?
By Karen Vincent | Submitted On April 21, 2012

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Have you heard the term "Helicopter Parents"? This is a term that is frequently used for a particular parenting style in which parents "rescue" their children from the difficult things that come their way in life. Parents who are Helicopter Parents will often make excuses for their children, take their child's perspective of a situation at face value without looking at all the facts, blame others for their child's behaviors or difficulties and take steps to eliminate any discomfort their child may be experiencing due to their bad behaviors. It is understandable how parents fall into this particular parenting style - if you love your children, you don't want to see them suffering or uncomfortable so you do what you can when situations arise that bring up these difficult emotions. …show more content…

In many ways, Helicopter Parents do a disservice to their children because they don't let them experience difficult things as children (when the stakes are much lower) which can cause major problems for them as