Persuasive Essay About Human Trafficking

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People don’t like to think about it. They pretend it doesn’t happen, or that it doesn’t happen very often anymore, or that it only happens in other places. Places far away, with uncivilized people. But to believe this, and ignore the facts, people throw away their power to help put an end to the suffering of countless victims. The human trafficking industry is quite alive, and growing at a massive rate.
Human trafficking is the trading of people for the possible reasons of sex, labor, or slavery. There have been over 33,000 reported cases of human trafficking since 2007, and the problem is only growing. Some numbers put the count of people being trafficked at over 20 million. Victims can be pulled into the trade through accidents, or misleading traffickers, or threats and abuse. Some are even sold to traffickers by loved ones they thought they could trust. There are some main reasons for trafficking, two of which being sex trafficking and labor trafficking. Traffickers force adults and children to work in commercial sex trades against their will, and the potential ways of being pulled into the situation are countless. In the U.S. alone, over 14,000 …show more content…

In the sex trafficking realm, they are raped by their traffickers, then by the clients of traffickers, undergoing a constant cycle of abuse and trauma. They can become pregnant, or contract diseases. The effects of the torture leave many too scarred to recover if they ever escape the trafficking, and for those who can recover, it is a long rocky road. For those sold into the labor trafficking section, they undergo back breaking work for extended periods of time, being pushed far beyond their limits. They go through unbelievably hard work, exhaustion, and pain, all for either little or no pay at all. None of the victims of trafficking can even escape from the slavery, for they can have passports and papers taken, or threats to their or their loved ones’