Informative Essay On Human Trafficking

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Could one imagine being taken from their family, being forced into involuntary sexual acts and deal with effects on the body if the victim survives through the harsh conditions? Human trafficking has developed into a major crime and it does not happen only in foreign countries but right here in the in the United States and ones local area. Because this is a such a growing issue people are taking a stand to fight human trafficking by creating organizations that help victims. Human trafficking is a crime that happens all the time and predators always have a new technique to lure people into the trap. It is a growing crime that does not happen in foreign countries but happens everywhere around people whether he/she are aware of it or not.
To begin, slavery has yet to end here in America; human trafficking is just another term for slavery. With that being said a victim of human trafficking is practically modern day slaves. With technology being on the rise for the last few decades it has become easy …show more content…

Human trafficking can involve men, women and sadly children. Many perpetrators of the human trafficking rings lure their victims by using force or fraud. Perpetrators also target people that are more prone to psychological vulnerability because the perpetrators know that he/she are more susceptible to being easily persuaded into things. Dolefully, human trafficking generates billions of dollars every year. For example, drug trafficking beats human trafficking in profit just to give one an idea on how much revenue human trafficking brings in. However, there are many indications that are prominent in determining whether someone is currently a victim or has been a victim of human trafficking; however some important ones can include disconnected from family and friends, a dramatic change in behavior, submissive and even coached on what to say on a daily basis. (Department of Homeland