
Persuasive Essay About School Lunches

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It’s no secret why students complain about school lunch. It’s cold, it’s nasty, it smells unusual, and it leaves an awful taste in the mouth. But it’s the fact that the lunch is so cheap makes schools choose to stick with it. For decades, kids in America have brought up the situation about how unappetizing school lunches are, but no one really takes action. Now it’s time that someone has brought out the truth on how school lunches really are. No one really thinks much of school lunches. It’s simply food shipped and heated and prepared to be consumed. There really isn’t much to it. But what goes on in a kitchen may not be what it seems. When Primetime producers went into school kitchens to make inspections, they were baffled to find dead rodents, roaches scurrying about, and food kept in temperatures that could cause bacteria to produce. They even found dishwashers that don’t clean lunch trays, dirty and unorderly kept areas, and even more utterly disgusting health violations in the school kitchen. Such conditions can be found all over the country but no one pays much …show more content…

It’s a no-brainer. Most school lunches don’t look very glamorous. From the looks of it, it seems that schools don’t put a lot of effort into making the lunches that students eat look appetizing. “Late last month, students debuted their website featuring photos of unappetizing food they’ve been served at school, including images of still-frozen fruit cups, spoiled produce and questionable meat. The food does, indeed, look ‘nasty’ as they say, and doubtless has a taste to match.” writes David Katz, a nutritionist and instructor in medicine at Yale’s School of Public Health. If school are going to have kids buy lunch, the least they could do is make it look decent enough to eat and not like it came straight from the trash. This could at least show the students that they care. At least a little

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