Persuasive Essay On Abortion Pro Life

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Abortion is a controversial issue in society. You have people who are pro-life and believe abortions should not be allowed; opposing them you have people who are pro-choice and believe that a woman should choose whether she wants to have an abortion or not. It is an issue that has rocked the political and social foundations of the US. If we take religion out of the question, the standing on abortion can vary from person to person. However, if we bring religion in, especially Christianity, how does the stance change? When you dive in to the doctrines and beliefs of Christianity, the stance is firm and unyielding. Christians around the world stand firm and united in their belief that abortion is wrong. This is expected as many religions around …show more content…

So it’s established that God has created all life and since God himself is sacred, then all the life is sacred itself. The question is, is someone alive before they are born? If the answer is yes, then abortion is murder and according to Exodus 21:12 “Whoever strikes a man so that he dies shall be put to death”(ESV). So, if you classify an unborn child as alive, then abortion is murder and according to Exodus 12:12, murder is off limits. However, if the unborn child is not considered alive, abortion is still wrong because you are preventing a life from happening. Now going back to one of my reasons for why abortion in Christianity, because life is sacred, both current life and potential life. In the view of a Christian, abortion is horrific to God. Matthew 6:26 says “Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than them? (NIV)” What this verse states is that if we look at birds, they don’t plant and grow food, they don’t keep food in barns but yet God feeds them. Now, humanity is much more valuable than the