
Persuasive Essay On Alzheimer's Disease

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What would be better to have during old age: good physical health or a sharp mind? The assumption behind this conflict may lack the point - that by making healthy lifestyle choices, you can have both. With 4.1 million people living with Alzheimer's in India, according to a new report that also found that nearly half of all people with dementia worldwide will live in Asia by 2050. For those senior citizens and people who love them, the loss of memory and slow downfall into total dependence can not only be expensive and heartbreaking, but scary, especially when relatives are worried about inheriting the disease themselves. The genetic factor There’s more that scientists still trying to know about Alzheimer's, and this includes how much a person's …show more content…

Early onset of Alzheimer’s in patients, occurring in people aged between 30 and 60 is due to several genetic mutations. If one of your parents is the carrier of genetic mutation of this disease, you have a 50 percent chance to inherit it. If inherited, you will likely develop the initial Alzheimer's. The lifestyle factor Scientists have found that amyloid plaque and tangles in the brain, thought to be responsible for generating Alzheimer's disease symptoms, which can be detected in brain scans long before a person is symptomatic, at times even decades earlier. Expecting a patient to be symptomatic limits the approaches that can have a significant positive impact. Small and a growing number of experts believe it is a much more effective strategy to try to protect a healthy brain before cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease are present. However the list of preventive lifestyle changes is relatively long, but medical experts suggests people at risk starting with these four: Waiting until a patient is symptomatic limits the approaches that can have a considerable positive impact. Small and a growing number of experts believe it’s a far more effective strategy to try to protect a healthy brain before cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease are …show more content…

Give your mind new challenges Learning a new language, playing crossword puzzles or trivia with friends can help you maintain and improve brain health. Using techniques that sharpen your memory to combat age-related brain changes can also eliminate those "senior moments". 3. Reduce stress. Stress is a part of life. We may not be able to get rid of it, but we can handle it. And if you're worried about the risk of Alzheimer's disease, then a small piece of advice: stop worrying. Caring for yourself is a form of stress, so worrying about memory loss could actually worsen your chances of keeping a sharp mind. 4. Eat right, Eat well Past clinical research has linked obesity to higher risk of developing dementia. British medical journal published a recent observational study suggests that dementia risk has tripled for obese people in their 30s. Eating more fruits and vegetables, increasing the intake of Omega 3 fat and keeping your weight in check through calorie control are habits that can help you protect against Alzheimer's. These dietary changes not only have the potential to change your brain's health, but can also help improve your physical health and quality of

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