Persuasive Essay On 'Animal Abuse Of The Innocent'

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The Abuse of the Innocent
You can lead a horse to water the same way they lead these animals to labs and shelters. Animal is not something many people think about animal abuse but is something serious. It's in labs, houses, and on the streets. Many cases are overlooked as something simple many think “Oh they only hit the animal in a bad way”. It’s not that simple there was a case in which a dog was beat to the point it’s bones crushed and it died. Another case a horse was found on the side of the road dead it looked as if it was just left there. The worst thing that could happen is two years in jail or they pay a fine.
Animal abuse isn’t limited to only people beating on animals and ignoring them there are also labs. Animals in labs end up with equal harsh treatment but this is …show more content…

They are injected with diseases to see how they affected them and used other antidotes to see what works. Then the animals are watched to see how it affects them. The average amount of animals used in a lab is 100 million. That is the average meaning sometimes more than 100 million animals are used in a lab within a year. That means around 83333 are used a month for testing. That is a lot of animals to be used in a just a month but it doesn’t end there.
Animals in houses can be treated just as bad if not worse in some cases it could be worse. There was a lady who microwaved her cat, a man who came home drunk and ripped his wife's cat head off while laughing. Then there are cases when people keep animals just so they have something to hit when they are angry. Animals, especially dogs are abused a lot at houses there was once a case of a man who beat his dog barley fed him but hid the dog and kept one healthy anytime he was checked out, luckily the dog managed to get help after he was saved. That is not always the case though most of the time that dog would’ve continued to be beat until it