Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

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Undoubtedly, many people feel indebted to the thousands of scientists and researchers, whose groundbreaking discoveries have lead to various vaccinations and contributions. However, have you ever stopped to wonder how these results are attained? The answer: through testing on innocent, naive animals. Everyday, animals are abused for the purpose of scientific inquiry. Although technology plays such an eminent role in today's society, scientists refuse to use methods which are more humane. If testing on animals produced life-saving solutions, consistently, then perhaps I would be slightly more inclined but in reality, majority of experiments only generate misleading and erroneous data. We shouldn’t have to compromise over values for the purpose …show more content…

However, this shouldn’t come as a surprise considering that merely everything about the human composition is vastly different compared to any animal species. In fact, “Paul Furlong, Professor of Clinical Neuroimaging at Aston University (UK),” acknowledges that, “the anatomic, metabolic, and cellular differences,” make it “very hard to create an animal model that even equates closely to what we’re trying to achieve in the human.” Not only does this deem test animals useless, but it also puts consumers of medicine and formulas, which have only been tested by animals at risk. Several incidents have occured in which products tested in labs by animals, have went on the market and yielded unanticipated side effects, thus proving to have adverse or counterproductive effects. In fact, statistics show that “94% of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human clinical trials.” If humans used the faulty product, who knows what could happen to them? Deformity? Paralyzation? Death? However this could also work in the opposite manner. “Some chemicals that are ineffective on, or harmful to, animals prove valuable when used by humans.” This indicates that possibly life-saving antibiotics are being withheld from public use at the hands of oblivious rats and animals. Aspirin, which is dangerous to some animals, are invaluable to humans, especially those who suffer from crippling migraines. Useful results are