Persuasive Essay Against Animal Testing

881 Words4 Pages

Name : Nevil Baby Thomas
Madonna ID : 227239
Topic: Against animal experiments:
• Experimenting on animals is always unacceptable because: o it causes suffering to animals o the benefits to human beings are not proven o any benefits to human beings that animal testing does provide could be produced in other ways

In the past few years, the issues about animal experimentation had been frequently discussed. The animal activists broke their silence and questioning the medical ethics of the medical laboratories and pharmaceutical companies in using animals as their dummy for a certain product which caused pain and suffering that also resulted to death of indefinite number of dogs, cats, mice, monkeys, rabbits, rats, farm animals and many other …show more content…

Animal testing is conducted for advancement in scientific research, to test the foods, drugs, and other products before it will be released in the markets. Scientists believe that this animal testing process will also help scientist find out the effect of the drug if humans will take it. But they never realized that the effect of the experiment is not a hundred percent accurate because the reaction of animals to disease has no relevance to the way how humans react because each of the specie has its own physiology. Experts had estimated that more than ninety percent of the experiment has proven safe to animals but had dangerous effect when applied to humans. The remaining small percentage is approved for human use and some are relabeled because of the side effects that were not identified in animal tests. Due to these insignificant errors, more than half of the drugs approved after the animal testing had to be pulled out because of its harmful effects on human.

Most of the experiments are not intended to help curing the diseases but for the advancement of science, to answer the curiosity of the scientist and to gain profit for the pharmaceuticals. These scientists who are doing animal experiments do not realize the pain and damage that they are inflicting on animals. Therefore, this animal experiment is unethical in my opinion.
There are other ways than animal